Using Zoom with the Court


To participate in court proceedings by video you must be able to meet the requirements posted on Zooms website. These can be found at and enter “Getting Started” in the search field. This page includes minimum requirements for PCs, Tablets, and smartphones as well as information on how to join a meeting.

Technical Responsibilities: The 35th District Court will not provide technical assistance for testing or troubleshooting. In addition, we will not provide time during court proceedings to troubleshoot any issues. It is your responsibility to ensure that your connection works, before your court date. The court uses Zoom Cloud services to assist in these connections. If you are having TECHNICAL issues with your equipment you may call them to assist. Understand they are a third-party service and have NO knowledge of your case or situation. Their Technical support line is 1-888-799-0125 or visit them online at

Remote Participant Environment Expectations
The environment the remote participant calls from must be consistent with the courtroom expectations. Specific considerations include:

  •  Public spaces (e.g. restaurants, libraries, gathering places) are not acceptable for remotely participating in virtual court proceedings.
  • Outdoor spaces (e.g. patios, parks, cars, etc.) are not acceptable for remotely participating in virtual court proceedings.
  • Private rooms free from other sounds, distractions, and non-participating people are required for the participant who is remotely participating.
  • The private room should have good audio acoustics (minimal echo) and good, consistent lighting so the remote participant will project a good image via video into the courtroom. Avoid rooms with bright windows and/or bright lights that are positioned behind the remote participant.
  • The remote participant should become familiar with the device controls (mute, volume, etc.) and test the mic and speaker controls before the call.

What to expect when using Zoom with the court.

  • The court will send you a Meeting ID.  This meeting ID will connect you with the proper courtroom. (For more information on Meeting IDs see Zoom support.)
  • Once you connect to a meeting ID you will be connected to the Zoom waiting room.
  • Please be patient.  When your case is ready to be handled the Zoom moderator will move you into the courtroom’s Zoom room.