We are located at:
660 Plymouth Rd.
Plymouth, MI 48170-6121
Main Phone:  (734)459-4740

Electronic checkin 

If directed by the security staff to complete the “Electronic Check In Forms” referenced on your Notice, regardless of whether the matter is being heard In-Person or virtually by way of Zoom.  No case shall be called by the presiding Judge until after this process has been fully and properly completed.

Electronic check-in link

Resolve your Ticket Online

The 35th District Court is offering Online Ticket Resolution for newly issued civil infractions (within 14 days of issuance) only.  You may request online resolution of your civil infractions by completing the information.

Note:  Online case resolution is a required first step for certain citations. You have the right to not accept the offer from the Prosecutor and request an in-person Hearing.

Resolve your Ticket Online

How this works: 

The Prosecutor will review your file as well as your reasoning and your citation MAY be amended (reduced) to a no point violation.  Their decision will be made about your case based on the same criteria as if you would have come to court. You will be notified via the email address you provided with your request.

You must allow three (3) business days after receiving your ticket before submitting your online request to allow the police agencies time to file the ticket with the Court and to allow case processing time for entry into the Court’s system.

You have the option of accepting the offer by paying the amended citation within five (5) days of the court notifying you of the offer. Please go to Payment Options for payment directions.

All civil infractions must be addressed by the defendant within 14 days of being issued the violation.  Failure to respond may result in additional penalties for failing to appear as directed.

Requesting a Virtual Hearing

A party to a matter may request to attend court hearings virtually (i.e., request that a scheduled In-Person hearing be heard via Zoom, or that a scheduled Zoom hearing be heard In-Person).  To exercise this opportunity, a party must make an email request to the Judge’s Courtroom Clerk no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled hearing, and the presiding Judge shall decide at their earliest convenience if the request shall be granted.  Requests will not be considered unless emailed to the appropriate Clerk of the Judge to whom the matter has been assigned:

Deputy Clerk for Judge Gerou: judgegeroucourtclerk@35thdistrictcourt.org
Deputy Clerk for Judge Lowe: judgelowecourtclerk@35thdistrictcourt.org
Deputy Clerk for Judge Plakas: judgeplakascourtclerk@35thdistrictcourt.org

Virtual Hearing Policy